Great Lakes Planetarium Association
The Great Lakes Planetarium Association (GLPA) is a professional organization dedicated to supporting astronomy and space science education through planetaria, and offers membership to all individuals in any way connected with the operation of planetariums regardless of geographic location.
GLPA is an affiliate of IPS (International Planetarium Society), NSTA (National Science Teachers Association), and IMERSA (Immersive Media Entertainment, Research, Science & Arts). Its members come from over 30 states, and at least 4 countries. They work in public and private schools, universities, museums, retired, and more.
As the oldest regional planetarium association, GLPA was established in 1965 at a 2-day organizational meeting of 75 participants in which Von Del Chamberlain was elected its first president. GLPA has supported its members and space science education ever since then with publications, annual conferences, and more.