Fulldome Database-Fulldomer

Supercomputing meets Fulldome: Call for Participation

Led by Donna Cox and awarded with $1.5 M grant from the National Science Foundation, the Centrality of Advanced Digitally ENabled Science (CADENS) aims to increase digital literacy and inform the general public about computational and data-enabled scientific discovery.

The organization has issued a call for participation (12/21 deadline) seeking research and data visualizations from the supercomputing, arts, science and education communities to produce and widely distribute 3 ultra-high-resolution digital films that will premiere at giant screen fulldome theaters, as well as be scaled for global distribution to smaller theaters too. The first in the series will be Solar Superstorms produced for fulldome theaters and rolling out in early 2015.

Along with these, CADENS will produce 9 high-definition documentary programs to be distributed online as well.

Researchers who are interested in collaborating on this project can submit information on their data and/or visualizations by Dec 21st, 2014.

CADENS will produce 12 science documentaries: three ultra-high-resolution fulldome shows designed for specialized, immersive dome theaters found in museums and planetariums, and nine high-definition programs for broadcast and online formats.

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