The Christmas Star
Many people have tried to explain the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem. Could it have been an exploding star, a comet or some other natural event?
Over the years many people have tried to explain the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem, as described in the Bible. Can the star be explained as an exploding star, a comet or some other natural event in the sky? Potential natural explanations for the Star of Bethlehem and common modern-day misconceptions are discussed.
A fulldome show for planetariums and digital dome theatres.
Show Credits:
Narrated by Stan Sollars
Written by Ron Kaitchuck
Produced & Edited by Dayna Thompson
Music by Striking Violet
Illustrations by Rachel Williamson
Produced and Rendered using SkyExplorer by RSA Cosmos
The Ancient Sun by ESO/T. Matsopoulos
Chinese Starmap by T. Matsopoulos
Vampire Star by ESO
Jupiter & Saturn Images by NASA/JPL/USGS & The Hubble Heritage Team
Gospel of Matthew courtesy of Rare Book & Manuscript Library, University of Pennsylvania
Show details
Technical specifications
Screened at 0 dome theaters and counting...
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