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About me
Visual artist, live av performances, mappings, installations , videos, fulldome.
bio: http://www.dykiers.com/bio/
1. First Prize at Vj Contest at Art Vision Contest Moscow 2019
2. Second Prize at Vj Battle Kyiv Lights Festival 2018
3. Second Prize at Live Mapping Contest at LPM 2018 Rome
4. Second Prize at M3D Andrano Mapping Contest 2018 Italy
5. Special Prize at Novi Light Sensation Mapping Contest 2019 Italy
6. Finalist of 1 Minute Projection Mapping, Tokyo 2022
7. Best Art Film for “DREAM” at Dome Under Festival 2023 Melburne
8. 3rd place- Jury Prize – 1 Minute Projection Mapping, Tokyo 2023
9. Second Prize – Mapsoin Projection Mapping Competition, Finland 2023