Ruth Coalson

Leicestershire, United Kingdom

Independent consultant for the fulldome and VR sector. Offering everything from industry research, funding to assisting with fulldome productions.

About me

Ruth has always worked within the film and creative sector and is a highly experienced business development manager. She previously led the business development and distribution of Fulldome show sales for NSC Creative for over a decade. Ruth sits on the International Planetarium Society’s strategic planning team helping guide the organisation forward. She also sits on the advisory board of IMERSA that fosters the growing interest in digital fulldome cinema, immersive entertainment, performance art and virtual experiences. Ruth is an independent consultant for the creative, Fulldome and immersive sector, successfully securing funds, show distribution and bringing new software products to market. Her latest production tool will be launched this autumn. Streamlining the production process with customisable environments, enabling working from home with no access to the dome require. She is a dedicated advocate for large format film and new video entertainment technologies, working to ensure viewers have the most engaging immersive experiences.

My Organizations

img logo fulldome organization ruth-coalson-consulting
Ruth Coalson Consulting
Based in
Newcastle, United Kingdom
Fulldome Producer
img logo fulldome organization moonraker-vfx-limited
Moonraker VFX Limited
Based in
Bristol, United Kingdom
Fulldome Distributor, Fulldome Producer

My Shows

img poster fulldome show Moonbase- The Next Step
Moonbase – The Next Step

Events I’ve been at

My News & Articles

Ruth Coalson


Festoon Software eliminates the need for a physical planetarium so you can develop and test your shows remotely from anywhere in the world.