CAPE 2015
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This year’s Carolina Association of Planetarium Educators (CAPE) meeting will be held at the South Carolina State Museum in Columbia, SC, from August 24-25, 2015. Planetarians across Carolinas meet annually for opportunities to network and learn what colleagues from the area are offering at their facilities.
While this informal meeting is usually attended by planetarians from North and South Carolina, the organizers welcome everyone interested in fulldome. This is a great opportunity to connect all planetarians and astronomy educators in the area, to share ideas, and to see the new BlueCross BlueShield of the South Carolina Planetarium.
The 55-foot digital dome theater provides an immersive environment and presents both educational and entertaining programs about earth and astronomy, as well as art, music and history. The NASA gallery is located in the planetarium lobby with interactive capabilities and artifacts from South Carolina astronauts, including Charles Bolden, Charles Duke, Ron McNair and Frank Culbertson.