LIPS 2018
The 2018 edition of the LIPS annual meeting will take place on Sept. 12-14, 2018 at the Willard Smith Planetarium (Seattle, USA.)
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The Live Interactive Planetarium Symposium (LIPS) will specifically focus on live, interactive planetarium lessons: connecting with your audience; enhancing performance skills; classroom management techniques; sample activities; etc.
LIPS’ goals include:
- To provide a participatory and practical professional development opportunity focusing on live presentations.
- To offer an opportunity to network with others doing live, interactive shows.
- To share information about available resources and products.
- To share ideas for improving programs: content, teaching tips, classroom management, etc.
- To explore what is required to start or improve an outreach program or business.
We will be meeting in Seattle, WA Wednesday – Friday, September 12 – 14. Our host is the Willard Smith Planetarium at Pacific Science Center, which has a long and proud tradition of live, interactive programs.
New this year is an optional add-on Data to Dome day on Tuesday, September 11, with an emphasis on using current science in live, interactive programs.