img poster fulldome show ECHO - a sonicsphere

ECHO - a sonicsphere

A bassy HipHop is visualized by a journey through a vinyl disc. The viewer glides in one groove. The realistic image changes into abstract shapes and colors.

1 user reviews
Type: Student Works
Genre: Arts & Abstract
Release date: July 2019

Produced by:
Directed by: Michael Gamböck




The music visualisation “ECHO – Eine Sonosphäre” by Franziska Hauber and Michael Gamböck in a spherical projection is designed for the consideration in VR-glasses and fulldome. A bassy HipHop-Instrumental is visualized by a journey through a vinyl disc. The viewer can experience a record in a way, that he has never seen before in real life. He is the needle of a record player, gliding along in the groove of therecord and seeing deposited dust. In this dust the individual hairs do have their separate movements. During the trip the realistic image of the disc will change into a more abstract version with changing shapes and colors.

The song is specially written for the project by the artist Thomas Simonetti, based in Augsburg. He has reinterpreted an old song of his for this purpose.

One significant difference of ECHO compared to other VR-Productions is the use of depth of field. The viewing eye is directed and influenced by this conceptional method. The visuals are mainly designed in Autodesk Maya 3D, using the renderer Redshift realizing realistic and abstract content.

A fulldome show for planetariums and digital dome theatres.


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Show details

Shorter version runtime : not available
Full version runtime: 4 minutes
Suitable for: General audience
Target audience: 6 - 13, 14 - 18, Adults
License: Free
Resource & materials: Poster

Technical specifications

Video format: Fulldome, Oculus Rift / VR devices
Resolution: 4K
Frame rate: 30 fps
Show orientation: Unidirectional
Stereo 3D: Parallel
Production technologies: CG
Audio format: Stereo
Languages: No Narration

Production & Support

Director and Producer and Media artist and Distributor


Director Producer Media artist Distributor

Screened at 1 dome theaters and counting...


We have been screening this piece amogst other student/ artist films in our Planetarium and have found our audience really intriegued by this combination of a fulldome experience along the fat beats of the musik.