img poster fulldome show Space Quest - MEXO the satellite

Space Quest - MEXO the satellite

The "Space Quest "show is an international quest for all satellites around the world.

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Type: Feature show
Genre: Animation
Release date: August 2024

Directed by:




The “Space Quest” show is an international quest for all satellites around the world, the winner will get a unique upgrade and will take more important space missions.

Throughout the show, MEXO our hero answers questions from the competition committee and the referee covers all the competition details starting from the questions, the answer’s quality, other participants’ scores, and more.

At the end of the show, the audience will explore different details and info about satellites, solar systems, space debris, satellite collisions, and more about facts related to the solar system.


You can get this show from:
Takween Creative Studio

Show details

Shorter version runtime : 16 minutes
Full version runtime: 20 minutes
Suitable for: General audience
Target audience: 6 - 13
License: Ticket share
Resource & materials: Poster, Source files

Technical specifications

Video format: Fulldome, Spherical mirror projection, Flat screen
Resolution: 4K
Frame rate: 30 fps
Show orientation: Unidirectional
Stereo 3D: None
Production technologies: CG
Audio format: Stereo, 5.1
Languages: English, Arabic

Production & Support

Produced by


Screened at 0 dome theaters and counting...


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