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Fulldome Database-Fulldomer

14th Jena FullDome Festival (2020): Preliminary Program Available

Visitors from all over the world flock to the annual Jena FullDome Festival to catch up with what’s new in the rapidly evolving world of 360°media. But with the high-tech Jena Planetarium temporarily closed due to the Corona crisis, the 2020 Festival is migrating into virtual 360°-space: the Jena FullDome STREAMING Festival, with no travel cost!

360° Streaming in the Cyberdome

360° streaming in the Cyberdome allows audiences worldwide to immerse in breathtaking fulldome films at their computer at home, tablet, mobile phone or VR-device. Other than good Internet connection nothing else is required. Watching a 360°-stream under the condition of distant proximity is different from a group experience in a huge fulldome theatre. Yet the specific power of the immersive fulldome medium is shining bright also in the Cyberdome.

Premiere Festival

As an intermediary between international fulldome producers and receptive audiences, the Jena festival affirms its position as a unique forum for presenting and awarding quality 360°-films and premiere shows. In this year’s three-day festival 41 fulldome films, with 29 premiere shows, are in the contest to win a JANUS-Award, the “Oscar” of the Fulldome scene.

The program includes 16 hours of original fulldome content: professional full feature films with astronomical or scientific content, experimental short films, kid films and visual music shows designed for the 360° audiovisual space.

Check the preliminary program.

Online Ticket-Shop

Access to the 360°Stream is through the festival’s own Ticket Shop.

Tickets are 50,00 € (Basic), 100,00 € (Supporter) and 20,00 € (Student – limited stock). All Ticket categories get equal access to the stream. The more supporter tickets sold, the more student-tickets the festival can offer. Payment is with credit card or PayPal.

FullDome Festival Part Two: Back to the Planetarium

The organizers hope to return to the Zeiss-Planetarium in the fall of 2020 for Part Two of the 14th Jena FullDome Festival. The date is still open, but Part Two will feature Student Films plus special live concerts and immersive shows in the dome which are a typical asset of the Jena festival tradition.

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