Fulldome Database-Fulldomer
January 22, 2014

2014 IMERSA Screenings of Award Winning Fulldome Shows

Along with screenings of previews and a selection of shorts, the 2014 IMERSA Summit (March 6-9 in Denver, USA) will host a "Best of the best" session where awards winnings fulldome shows will be screened in Fiske 8K dome as well as in both Gates' main and portable domes. This selection will be featured in full screenings and discussions represents films that received award honours at recent festivals and conferences, including the 2013 Fulldome Festival, Jackson Hole Wildlife Film Festival, GSCA, Dome Festa, Imiloa Fulldome Film Festival, DomeFest, and the First Fulldome Festival in Russia. Check out their descriptions and video previews: Dinosaurs at Dusk by Mirage3D Dream to Fly by The Heavens of Copernicus Productions To Space & Back by Sky-Skan & The Franklin Institute Flight of the Butterflies by SK Films MUSICA: Why is the Universe Beautiful? by Yamanashi Prefecture Science Center & Live Company Ltd. The Life of Trees by the Softmachine Supervolcanoes by Spitz Creative Media, Mirage 3D, Thomas Lucas Productions There will be case study sessions on Friday March 7 that are specific to the featured shows. Venues: SIE Film Center; Denver Museum of Nature & Science (DMNS)
  • 8:00 am Shuttle from Hotel to SIE Film Center
  • 8:30 am Registration at SIE Film Center (Coffee bar at the Center opens at 8:30)
  • 9:00 am Live Action Shooting for Green Screen Compositing: "Dinosaurs at Dusk"
  • 10:00 am Storytelling for Fulldome: "Dream to Fly"
  • 11:00 Managing Workflow for 4K, 8K and beyond: "To Space and Back"
  • 1:00 pm From Giant Screen Film to Digital Fulldome: "Flight of the Butterflies"
  • 2:00 pm Fulldome Stereography - Best Practices Panel
  • 3:00 - 3:30 pm Directing Animation: "The Life of Trees"
  • 3:30 – 4:30 Break; shuttle to DMNS
Summit kickoff – Friday evening
  • Dr Donna Cox4:30 pm Panel discussion - Lessons learned from award winning producers
  • 5:30 pm Keynote address: The art of scientific visualization – Donna Cox
  • 6:00 pm Welcome Reception sponsored by Seiler/Zeiss
  • 6:30 pm Opening Banquet sponsored by Attraktion!/Sphere of Light Award with greetings from Ian McLennan, acknowledgments, and announcements from IMERSA friends and affiliates
  • 8:00 pm Screening: "Dream to Fly"
  • 8:40 pm Screening: "Flight of the Butterflies"
  • 9:30 pm LIVE Demos / dessert bar and coffee
  • 10:00 pm Screening: "The Life of Trees"
  • 9:30-10:30 pm Shuttles to Hotel
Case Study Sessions for Featured Fulldome Shows at the 2014 Imersa Summit 8K Fulldome Systems - 2014 IMERSA SummitAlso make sure to stay over for the 8K event on Sunday night at Fiske Planetarium and you won't miss the panel discussion about the pros and perils of 8K digital fulldome systems. Speakers will include Chris Maytag (Fiske Planetarium), Mark Webb and Patrick McPike (Adler Planetarium), Michael Daut (E&S), Steve Savage (Sky-Skan), Martin Howe (Electrosonic), and a rep of SCISS. Please check back soon for additional details on the fulldome screenings. More information about the 2014 IMERSA Summit program March 6-9 can be found at the Summit official site. 2014 IMERSA Summit Banner - Fulldome Event

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