Fulldome Database-Fulldomer

New Fulldome Shows added to REEF Distribution Catalogue

Reef Distribution just added several new, visually stunning fulldome films, produced by the California Academy of Science to its catalogue!

FRAGILE PLANET - Earth´s Place in the Universe

This fulldome show forces the audience to take a truly different look on our solar system, from above, to take on the view of an astronaut. It will show how different our planet is from other planets and what makes it so special- it hosts life.

EARTHQUAKE - Evidence of a Restless Planet

The California Academy of Sciences produced a fulldome show that takes the audience through space and time in a truly new way and will change your view on planet earth forever.
The journey guides the audience through time and space, to historic moments in time when the earth erupted like the 1906 desaster in San Francisco...

LIFE - A Cosmic Story
The ever burning question: “How did life on Earth begin?” is the driven force behind this movie by the California Science Academy. Did you know that all life on Earth shares a common ancestry?

For more information and licensing, please visit our website: www.reef-distribution.com

We are frequently adding new shows to our program, so check back often!

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