Rebecca Simpson-Fulldomer
United Kingdom
April 22, 2015

Audience and Fulldome research - a tiny favour!

Hi I’m Becki, you might know me as part of the NSC Creative team based out of The National Space Centre UK.

Outside of work I’m currently studying Business in the Creative Industries. As part of my course I’m writing a dissertation about target audiences, and will be looking at marketing new things to new audiences such as Fulldome… not a new thing to people in the planetarium industry but new to the wider public.

As part of my research I’ve designed a couple of rather in-depth questionnaires, one targeted at you as part of a general public audience and the other targeted specifically at persons within the Fulldome industry. Each questionnaire will take at least 10 minutes to complete as they’re predominantly questions asking your opinion.

Feel free to pass them on. I need a good volume of responses and as swiftly as possible:

Thank you in advance for submitting a response to one or both of the questionnaires! :-)

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