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Award Winners at the Fulldome Festival Brno 2019

The Fulldome Festival Brno 2019 has just ended and here is the list of the festival winners:

Audience Award

Voyager: Never Ending Journey
produced by UMA Vision

Brno Observatory and Planetarium Director´s Award

Birth of Planet Earth
produced by Spitz Creative Media, NCSA’s Advanced Visualization Lab, Thomas Lucas Productions Inc., in association with Tellus Science Museum. Supported by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and the Greater Philadelphia Film Office; funded in part by the National Science Foundation.

Best 3D Fulldome Film

CAPCOM GO! – The Apollo Story
produced by NSC Creative

Best 2D Fulldome Film

EXO: Are We Alone?
produced by Montreal Space for Life Rio Tinto Alcan Planetarium

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