Cecilia Öhrner-Fulldomer

Creating Variety in a Public Live Planetarium Show Programme – by Dr. Jenny Shipway

Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium delivers a mixed programme of live shows and fulldome films to approximately 100,000 visitors each year. Target audiences range from 4 year olds to adults, including public and schools, with most attendees visiting as family groups. It is important therefore to have different shows to serve these different groups, and also offer to offer variety to repeat visitors within a group to encourage re-visits.

High quality fulldome films provide wildly different experiences but are understandably expensive to licence, meaning that creating variety in live, real-time shows is very attractive. A single presenter can deliver a number of different shows throughout a year for the cost of their salary (including development and training time).

Jenny Shipway is a well-known name in the industry with a great experience as a live presenter. At Sciss's Planetarium Blog she shares her thoughts and best practices from Winchester Science Centre, discussing the challenges to keep your live show programme varied and high quality. How do you ensure quality and how do you make sure that each new show looks distinct? 

You can read the whole blog post here.

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