Fulldome Database-Fulldomer

Video: FDDB at Fulldome UK 2012

Fulldome UK 2012 took place last week at the National Space Centre in Leicester, UK. Two days of films, talks and live performances in fulldome.

About an year ago, FDDB was conceived just because of a very stimulating discussion at the end of FDUK 2011. This time, thanks to the organizers' efforts in finding some room in a very packed event, FDDB was officially there and could introduce the new website to the audience.

Check out the unexpected, yet much appreciated words from IMERSA as well as the FDDB presentation.

As Aaron Bradbury from NSC Creative & Luniere says - "These kind of events are pretty rare, so when they happen the fulldome community travels from far and wide."

Yeah, fulldome rocks.

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