Dario Tiveron-Fulldomer
December 25, 2016

Have a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Dear fellow fulldomers, subscribers, and friends! This year was filled with some memorable events, long-awaited meetings, important decisions and technical innovations. Although the passing year gave rise to new festivals and the production of new fulldome shows, we look to the next year with hope and believe that it will bring even more exciting experiences. On behalf of the Fulldome Database team, I would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. We hope that your urge to contribute to the world of fulldome combined with our efforts will boost the community's creativity and bring it to the next level. Thanks to all of you who submitted new shows, shared great news, posted important announcements and helped us make the Fulldome Database grow to more than 5K followers. Our best, warm wishes to you and your families. Have a good holiday and stay tuned!

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