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Inspire Students with Astronomy in Kenya: Only 14 Days Left [UPDATED]

Update: Great news! The project has been funded successfully! Help bring the first portable digital planetarium to Kenya. Sets up at anywhere and flies students through the universe. Kenya has amazing skies. Your help will bring a planetarium to Kenya to inspire the children to be the scientists who explore those skies. The planetarium will be run by a group of Kenyan astronomy educators and business people who will operate it in a sustainable way. Tipping Point Goal: $8,000. Total Funding Goal: $15,000. Still 14 days to go: join and support the project!     Visit the official website

Education & Ecology

Kenya is a land of diversity. It is known for breath-taking wild lands of giraffe, zebra and lion but also its squalid inner-city slums. Inspiring the next generation of scientists is a way to empower Kenyans to preserve their own biodiversity and solve the plague of poverty. Science education is also a way to prevent the conflicts which arise from fundamentalism and superstition. It starts with education.


Many cultures here have star stories which date back thousands of years, but these stories have not been taught to the current children. These ancient stories die with their elders. A planetarium is a way to preserve culture and to appreciate the diversity of other cultures. Your gift to bring the planetarium to Kenya will pay large dividend to the future generations of this planet. Even a small contribution goes a long way in a developing nation.
Kyle Doane volunteering at Ghana Planetarium, West Africa 2012.

Kyle Doane volunteering at Ghana Planetarium, West Africa 2012.

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