img news fulldome Juniper, live jazz and immersive visuals
Janire Najera-Fulldomer
United Kingdom
March 12, 2019

Juniper, Live Jazz and Immersive Visuals

Cardiff-based creative collaborators Matt Wright and Janire Najera join forces once again to immersively transport audiences into the stunning album Juniper by Slowly Rolling Camera.

Commissioned by Ffotogallery to premiere at Diffusion 2019 Cardiff International Festival of Photography, Juniper explores how sound and moving image merge within live performance. This unique show will see Slowly Rolling Camera perform their critically acclaimed third album in its entirety accompanied by an immersive visual score created by 4Pi Productions

Audiences will be enveloped by the expansive jazz grooves, trip-hop and rich cinematic soundscapes of Juniper whilst being transported to barren and busy environments captured around the world.

“Diffusion festival is about creating a platform for artists to collaborate, experiment and create and present work in new ways. 4Pi Productions / Slowly Rolling Camera's new immersive work Juniper is both a world premiere and the first full-dome immersive event of this kind in Wales. Through experiencing the performances, I want audiences to engage their eyes, ears and senses to imagine a future when boundaries between artistic forms and disciplines dissolve, and the world can be experienced differently”. David Drake, Festival Director, Diffusion 2019.

If you are in Wales (UK) in early April, come and see the show! You can get tickets here.

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