Dario Tiveron-Fulldomer

Many Thanks to our Diehard Supporters

In our first week after a silent launch we've had over 1200 interactions with the site! We thank those already engaging to make this such a useful tool and can't wait to report back activity once we send notice out to the entire fulldome community and begin promoting it.

Chairing Fulldome Database over the last three years, I came to meet some of the most incredible people. I've received so much support from this community and I'm happy to finally thank them on our brand new site!

I can't take credit for this new site without some of them standing up to celebrate along side me! Give them a round of applause!

  • Carlo Fornea: this site couldn't be real without your support and patience. I own you the biggest drink to cheer salut!
  • Dan Neafus: you're a hero of this industry: your friendship, loyalty and backing have been crucial for the development of FDDB. Thank you for guiding me through it.
  • Andrew Hazelden: you're the most inspiring, accurate and reliable fan I have ever had; I could always expect a reply from you within seconds, and it would be exactly what I needed. It's a pleasure to be working with you.
  • Jason Fletcher: I've enjoyed so much your positive approach to FDDB, you're definitely a nuclear piece of sugar and I've alway enjoyed your prompt help.
  • Sascha Kriegel: Your support, motivation and constant push has been fundamental to complete this new site. Your energy is contagious!
  • Rubin Judith: Your delicate elegance is key to the way I entered this industry. I've always valued the insights you shared with me about the business, and I do appreciate the transparency of your thoughts.
  • Paul Mowbray, Aaron Bradbury and Max Crow: you're the perfect family: thank you for teaching us how brilliant and effective a team can be where there's so much love involved.

Many thanks also to these organizations that have been constantly endorsing FDDB in the last 3 years – IMERSA, Fulldome UK, Fulldome Festival and SAT – as well as APLF, for their support in the making of the brand new Planetariums & Digital Dome section.

We’d also like to thank our advertisers who help sustain FDDB and cover our operating expenses to keep this well loved and integral resource going

Thank you all for supporting and enjoying FDDB so much!  It is deeply appreciated, both personally and professionally.

Dario, The Founder

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