img news fulldome minsk-international-fulldome-festival-2020-cancelled
Minsk Planetarium-Fulldomer
August 19, 2020

Minsk International Fulldome Festival 2020 Cancelled

Dear friends,

Unfortunately, we want to inform you that this year the III Minsk International Fulldome Festival will not be held due to the epidemiological, economic and political situation. Our festival is postponed to

October 14 - 17, 2021.

Thank you very much for everyone who sent their applications and expressed a desire to participate in our festival. All films accepted for MIFF 2020 are planned to be shown next year. The online application form for the MIFF remains open, and everyone can submit their new wonderful works until August 15, 2021.

Please read updated established deadlines:

  • Submission’s date of application – August 15, 2021;
  • Date of participation confirmation – August 17, 2021;
  • Delivery’s date of films – September 17, 2021.

We hope that next year we will meet again in the Minsk Planetarium with our friends and colleagues. We will be able to plunge into the world of fulldome cinema and enjoy communication with each other  during these festival days.

We wish you success in work! Stay safe and healthy! See you at MIFF 2021!

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