MISFF-2024: Moscow Planetarium invites planetariums and studios

This year marks the 95th anniversary of the Moscow Planetarium. To commemorate this milestone, we are delighted to announce the Moscow International Science Film Festival, which will showcase a diverse range of films. The festival will take place from 7 to 10 November, with the first two days dedicated to our esteemed community. We would like to cordially invite you to attend the events of the festival. We have a comprehensive program lined up for you.

We'll be showing the best science cinema from around the world. It is the only art form capable of comprehending rapidly developing technologies and lucidly explaining the most complex scientific discoveries. We dedicate the festival to the whole variety of science cinema: cartoons, classic films and, most importantly, fulldome cinema!

72 films from 19 countries will be screened at the festival. The films will be shown under 4 programmes: Scientific Fulldome Films Programme, Fulldome Animated and Experimental Films Programme, Widescreen Film Programme, Video Art Programme. The 12 events of the Planetarium Community Programme are open to planetariums, science museums and studios. We'll talk about both the specifics of film making and planetarium management. 

Click here to register.

See you at the Moscow Planetarium.

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