Fulldome Database-Fulldomer
September 18, 2013

New Fulldome Show: Constellations

A new fulldome show has just been added to the Fulldome Database, check it out:

10 Steps through the Sky – Part 2: Constellations by Fulldome Film Society Info and full-length preview available. Constellations is the second part of the company's educational course for digital planetariums. The first part of the course, Astronomy, has already gathered over 1 million children in many big planetariums and hundreds of portable domes around the country. Constellations is the first program for digital planetariums created in Russia in 4K. In order to make true celestial environment visualization, the company created a three-dimensional space structure based on scientific data, with over 130 thousand stars located precisely in their positions. The team also modelled dozens of unique space objects, such as double- and triple-star systems, red giants, nebulas, star clusters, and galaxies.

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