Fulldome Database-Fulldomer
March 22, 2013

New Planetarium at La Plata

A new planetarium is being built in La Plata, Argentina, which in English means 'The Silver'. The project was introduced in 2005, was approved by the city legislature in 2008 and then started building last year. Here are some photos from the first construction stages. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7Co7vP7MBg The video above was recorded in La Plata in November 2012. A lot of efforts went into the project and it's now almost finished. Students are learning how to use it and the opening ceremony should take place as soon as next month. Currently there are other two major planetariums in Argentina: the Planetarium Galielo Galilei with a 20 meters flat dome, 290 seats and equipped with both an optical-mechanic and digital 6 projector system, and the Malargue Planetarium in Mendoza, a very nice building equipped with a tilted dome (15°), 65 seats and 5 DLP projectors.

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