Andrew Hazelden-Fulldomer

PlayblastVR Renderer for Maya Adds Mac and Linux Support

Dover Studios co-founder Andrew Hazelden has released a new version of PlayblastVR for Maya. The updated PlayblastVR version 1.2 release adds full support for Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks and 10.10 Yosemite, and Linux 64-Bit. PlayblastVR works well with Maya 2016 and the new build includes a redesigned PlayblastVR menu system, and many other small changes that improve the overall experience of using PlayblastVR in Maya.

The popular fulldome preview tool Amateras Dome Player has been added as a new PlayblastVR batch sequence viewer option in the render settings window so you can use Amateras to automatically review your latest fulldome and LatLong previz movie renderings at full resolution.

Also the licensing terms on PlayblastVR have been updated to provide a cross-platform license usage that provides an artist with more freedom and flexibility.

About PlayblastVR for Maya

PlayblastVR is an exciting new renderer for Maya that creates hardware rendered panoramic images using OpenGL or DirectX. The PlayblastVR renderer allows you to create immersive previz renderings of Maya scenes in fulldome, latlong, and cubic panorama formats.

The PlayblastVR renderer can render previews of elements like animated polygon and NURBS geometry, lights, fluid effects volumes, FumeFX volumes, paint effects strokes, sprites, particles, nParticles, nHair and fur, cloth sims, and shading networks.

PlayblastVR supports rendering output to Google PhotoSphere spherical panoramas and YouTube 360 movies with automatic metadata embedding.

After a PlayblastVR panoramic rendering is complete it can be sent automatically to a panoramic viewing program or a video playback tool like Kolor Eyes, VLC, DJV Viewer, RV, Assimilate Scratch and Scratch Player, Adobe SpeedGrade, Amateras Dome Viewer, Domemaster3D DomeViewer, Whirligig, VLCwarp Player, FCheck, or IMF Display.

PlayblastVR previz renderings will save you time & money because hardware based panoramic renderings make better use of the artist’s time. Using PlayblastVR will also free up your render nodes from having to use a slower software based production renderer to output your animation test renderings into a panoramic format.

Pricing and Availability

PlayblastVR version 1.2 is available today for $249 USD and includes a cross-platform license.

For more information check out the PlayblastVR product page:

You can also read the PlayblastVR online documentation here:

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