Adam Thanz-Fulldomer

Releasing "Totality": Planetarium Show about Solar Eclipses

Bays Mountain Productions is proud to announce the release of their latest full-dome planetarium show, Totality. Totality is a fascinating look at all the wonders of eclipses, especially total solar eclipses. This program, produced by Bays Mountain Planetarium, examines what eclipses are, how and when they occur, and what wonderful sights they create. We also look back to a fascinating period in scientific discovery when general relativity was proven with the photographic recording of a total solar eclipse. The show is followed with an update on the latest eclipse. This is accomplished by using one of the 63 included modules for each of the solar eclipses up through the year 2045. The presenter provides a live overview of the “next” eclipse using the module. This could be followed by providing information on any local observing opportunities in your area. We would like to point out that, because of the 63 included modules, this program will work for any eclipse, anywhere in the world. Our production includes a variety of wonderful styles – from spectacular space environments to humorous pop-up books. A very special part of the show relates, in a very human way, what happens when you are caught in the shadow of the Moon and the Sun is plunged into a total solar eclipse. You will love this program; and so will your audience of most any age! The main body of the show runs 25 minutes. For more information, including pricing and more, please visit our official website.

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