img news fulldome SAT CIRCUIT 2020 - LIVE FULLDOME TOUR
Sean Caruso-Fulldomer


After a resounding successful first edition in 2018 creating the first immersive dome performance network, connecting 10 international cities with over 20,000 spectators, the Society for Arts and Technology [SAT] is currently planning its second international tour launching in the fall of 2020. This tour highlights generative works, audiovisual performances and immersive installations from its annual residency program in Montreal (CA). SAT is currently looking for potential partners interested in the Fulldome medium aspiring to add quality immersive programming as part of their own event or annual program. 



Second edition: Autumn 2020

The refuge of the imagination

"A veritable portal between the parallel worlds of the imaginary and the tangible, the meeting point where the real and the improbable merge, the interstice of our perceptions where technico-creative hybridization abounds, the digital domes are today the incarnation a new collective playground of imagination that is both open, social and connected. The SAT knows it well and offers you a brief incursion into this contemporary universe.

The SAT Circuit tour comes to meet you, comes to inspire you, comes to make you discuss... You marginal intellectuals, understood and misunderstood artists, experiential explorers, social stigmatized, digital pioneers, hands-on technologists, curious natured , the self-taught, the patenteux, the nodal spirits, the pixel poets, the modular musicians, the claimers of free knowledge, the research adventurers, the visionary collaborators, the passionate ecologists, the peaceful activists, the "doers" and the gifted, the dynamic participants, the citizens of the world and open communities focused on diversity and the sharing of visions, the eco-systemic, and all the people with spherical thinking... it is up to you to cross the wall into the Refuge of the imagination."



SAT CIRCUIT 2020 offers 10 shows and concerts as well as 5 immersive films that can compose a program specific to your event over a period spanning a few days to a few weeks by a team of a dozen artists and technicians who will travel in groups or separately depending on the final route of the tour. These artists and technicians can also offer master-classes and workshops on different immersive disciplines to either event participants or the local artistic community. The organizers could select one or more of these projects, and complete the program by including local projects and shows in fulldome format. They can also choose from the hundreds of immersive works from the SAT catalog to meet any programming requirements to fully optimize the use of the temporary structure. The SAT could also organize immersive special events (nightly VJ/ DJ sets) if the festival's programming allows for it. The targeted events are expected to take place between July 2020 and December 2020. The SAT is currently identifying and qualifying potential collaborators as to complete applications for Canadian funding by the end of November 2019. These national and provincial grants will complement the financial package of the tour, covering the travel of Canadian artists and several other costs associated with the implementation of this unifying project.




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