STS-135 Landing: free fulldome images
Full Dome FX (Troy McClellan) and GeoGraphics Imaging (George Fleenor) partnered to cover the last Space Shuttle mission, STS 135-Atlantis.
The team just released a set of sequenced images that create a short movie showing the landing of STS 135 Atlantis as viewed via a fisheye camera set up approximately 100 yards from the approach end of the runway. The early morning landing, before sunrise (in the dark) made attaining these shots a real challenge.
Full Dome FX and GeoGraphics Imaging are making these available to all planetariums free of charge. The images and sequences are available in PNG format at 2400 and 1024 resolutions.
Images can be downloaded from these sites:
The images are for in-house use only: planetariums must provide proper credit when used.
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